بالصور.. خوف وترقب بعد زلزال كبير ضرب تشيلي

People recover their belongings after a large earthquake in Concon, some 110 kms northwest of Santiago on September 16, 2015. The 8.3-magnitude earthquake that struck off the coast of Chile has left at least five dead, a million evacuated and one person missing, an official said. AFP PHOTO/ VLADIMIR RODAS (Photo credit should read VLADIMIR RODAS/AFP/Getty Images)
People recover their belongings after a large earthquake in Concon, some 110 kms northwest of Santiago on September 16, 2015. The 8.3-magnitude earthquake that struck off the coast of Chile has left at least five dead, a million evacuated and one person missing, an official said. AFP PHOTO/ VLADIMIR RODAS (Photo credit should read VLADIMIR RODAS/AFP/Getty Images)

أودى زلزال عنيف ضرب تشيلي بحياة 5 أشخاص على الأقل وانتشرت التحذيرات من موجات مد “تسونامي” على طول سواحل المحيط الهندي، وصولا إلى كاليفورنيا الأمريكية، ونيوزيلندا وهاواي.

وقد قدر الخبراء قوة الزلزال بـ 8.3 درجات وقد حُدد مركزه على عمق 25 كيلومترا تحت سطح الأرض.

People recover their belongings after a large earthquake in Concon, some 110 kms northwest of Santiago on September 16, 2015. The 8.3-magnitude earthquake that struck off the coast of Chile has left at least five dead, a million evacuated and one person missing, an official said. AFP PHOTO/ VLADIMIR RODAS        (Photo credit should read VLADIMIR RODAS/AFP/Getty Images)
People recover their belongings after a large earthquake in Concon, some 110 kms northwest of Santiago on September 16, 2015. The 8.3-magnitude earthquake that struck off the coast of Chile has left at least five dead, a million evacuated and one person missing, an official said. AFP PHOTO/ VLADIMIR RODAS (Photo credit should read VLADIMIR RODAS/AFP/Getty Images)
People recover their belongings after a large earthquake in Concon, some 110 kms northwest of Santiago on September 16, 2015. The 8.3-magnitude earthquake that struck off the coast of Chile has left at least five dead, a million evacuated and one person missing, an official said. AFP PHOTO/ VLADIMIR RODAS        (Photo credit should read VLADIMIR RODAS/AFP/Getty Images)
People recover their belongings after a large earthquake in Concon, some 110 kms northwest of Santiago on September 16, 2015. The 8.3-magnitude earthquake that struck off the coast of Chile has left at least five dead, a million evacuated and one person missing, an official said. AFP PHOTO/ VLADIMIR RODAS (Photo credit should read VLADIMIR RODAS/AFP/Getty Images)
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